Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Sick Day" *cough cough*

I think this may have been my first official day of hookey...ever. There was one, maybe two classes that I skipped in undergrad, just to skip them and stay in bed, but I've NEVER called into work sick when I wasn't sick. Heck, I haven't ever called in sick unless I was basically dying.

Scott's defense of his dissertation was today. Need I say more? I have been planning for this day for, well, a week...but waiting 4 years for this day. One of Scott's friends gave me the idea of baking "Ph.D. cookies" for the dissertation, because that's what his wife had done for him. So, I planned, bought ingredients, made dough Sunday night, baked Tuesday night, and frosted this morning. It was fun!

And now, after almost 4 full years, Scott has passed his defense. Basically, for those who don't know, it boils down to this. For a Ph.D., you obviously take a lot of classes, but you also have to do a massive paper called a dissertation. You conduct some kind of study in your area of interest and write it up into a huge document (Scott's is over 200 pages). Then, when you're "finished", you present it to people (your committee, friends, supporters) in a 30 minute presentation with 10 minutes of questions afterward then the presenter and his committee of 4, talk about the dissertation for an hour and you either pass, need revisions, or fail. SCOTT PASSED!!! He still has a few minor revisions to do, but he won't have to present again! Yay!!! I'm so proud of him! He has worked so hard and overcome so many obstacles to get this far. Hooray!

In other news, I'm feeling well enough that I think I can go back to work tomorrow! *cough* ;)

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